Resources designed and used in statistics education in Bachelor of Technology courses in France




statistics teaching, educational material, Bachelor’s degree


The French education system has numerous higher education institutions with various specializations. IUTs, established in the late 1960s, provide specific training. These schools offer three-year, practice-oriented education that enables students to work or pursue a master's degree. They are widely accessible and popular, even in small towns, and offer 24 nationally defined curricula in two areas: science and management.

The teaching of statistics in IUTs is unique since it is present in almost all specialties. Studying the teaching and learning of statistics in IUTs enables us to comprehend didactic phenomena in a teaching system that has been established for a long time throughout the country and is a privileged field for meeting teachers whose activity has been tried and tested and is part of a continuum. This research explores the factors that influence the format and nature of the resources designed and utilized in these lessons, how they are integrated into teaching, and what functions they serve.

Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven mathematics teachers responsible for statistics courses. Often coming from secondary education, these teachers had to adjust the content taught to the objectives and teaching situations typical of French higher education.

Author Biography

  • Mehdi Khaneboubi, Paris Cité University, EDA lab

    Mehdi Khaneboubi, Paris Cité University, is associate professor in social science education. He conducts research at the EDA laboratory of Paris Cité University and teaches at Cergy Paris University (CY). His work focus on the use of educational technologies, primarily through quantitative and ethnographic methods. Email : [email protected]






Peer-reviewed articles

How to Cite

Resources designed and used in statistics education in Bachelor of Technology courses in France. (2024). IARTEM E-Journal, 15(2), 1–11.