As histórias em quadrinhos nos livros didáticos de francês destinados a crianças e adolescentes


  • Deise Cristina de Lima Picanço University of Paraná
  • Teurra Fernandes Vailatti French Alliance in Curitiba



Textbook, Teaching of French Foreign Language, Comics, children and teenagers


Comic books (comics) are often associated with the youth universe, so collections for teaching French as a foreign language (FLE) of communicative approach have started to use gender as a strategy to attract this audience. We start from the gender concepts of discourse and statement and the notion of dialogism (Bakhtin, 1992, 1998; Bakhtin & Voloshinov, 2009) to situate the problems arising from an instrumental use of the comics and from Puren (1988) and Cuq e Gruca (2005) that analyze textbooks of communicative approach, among other authors. The selection of the analyzed collections took into account their insertion in the schools where the French language is taught in the Municipality of Curitiba and Metropolitan Region, in addition to REPERTOIRE (2015) published by the International Center for Pedagogical Studies of France. A qualitative analysis was performed according to five categories: appropriation of comic language; Creation of comics with plot for the collection; Insertion of authentic comics; Comics as cultural references; And literary adaptations in comics. It is observed the theme of the didactic book through the comics, that reaches the pedagogical aspect when subjecting the contents to a certain configuration to create an attractive product and captivate the youthful public.

Author Biographies

  • Deise Cristina de Lima Picanço, University of Paraná

    Dr. Deise Cristina de Lima Picanço taught in secondary schools in Paraná / Brazil and carried out several researches on the subject of didactic materials for the basic school. She holds a master’s degree in education and a doctorate in letters from the Federal University of Paraná. He currently works as a lecturer in the course of Letters and the Postgraduate Program in Education.

  • Teurra Fernandes Vailatti, French Alliance in Curitiba

    Ms Teurra Fernandes Vailatti taught at several language schools in Paraná / Brazil and carried out several researches on the subject of French didactic materials. She holds a master’s degree in education from the Federal University of Paraná. He currently teaches French as a Foreign Language course at the French Alliance in Curitiba, Paraná / Brazil.






How to Cite

As histórias em quadrinhos nos livros didáticos de francês destinados a crianças e adolescentes. (2017). IARTEM E-Journal, 8(1-2), 67-96.