Employment of American and British first language textbooks as a foreign language resource in private schools in South Lebanon


  • Faten Chalhoub Liverpool Hope University
  • Alan Hodkinson Liverpool Hope University
  • Olga Ververi Liverpool Hope University




Textbooks, Lebanon, Education, Language learning, Teacher mediation


This article presents the findings of research that examined how teachers employed first language textbooks to teach English as a foreign language and to develop the intercultural competences of their students. The research employed semi-structured phenomenological interviews and questionnaires with eight South Lebanese educators. The findings demonstrates how in relation to language learning, the employment of foreign textbooks produces successful results. The research though also details how teachers have to work hard to bridge the cultural gaps between their students and the ‘alien’ cultures detailed in the textbooks. Problematic, it would appear to the development of inter cultural competence is that in South Lebanon some cultures, noticeably that of Judaism, and some topics, such as sexuality, that schools, teachers but moreover parents control how and indeed if, students are inculcated into wider cultures and debates. The conclusion of the research details how in the development of intercultural competence that teachers are the key mediators of students’ responses to cultures and practices other than their own.

Author Biographies

  • Faten Chalhoub, Liverpool Hope University

    Faten Chalhoub was a Master’s Student at Liverpool Hope University and is a School Principle in South Lebanon.

    She can be reached on [email protected]

  • Alan Hodkinson, Liverpool Hope University

    Dr. Alan Hodkinson is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Culture and Disability Studies at the Faculty of Education, Liverpool Hope University in England. He is an executive committee member of the British Education Studies Association and a Member of the Primary Committee and a Fellow of the Historical Association.

    He can be reached on email at: [email protected]

  • Olga Ververi, Liverpool Hope University

    Dr. Olga Ververi is a lecturer in Education Studies at Liverpool Hope University in England.

    She can be reached on email at: [email protected]






Peer-reviewed articles

How to Cite

Chalhoub, F., Hodkinson, A., & Ververi, O. (2014). Employment of American and British first language textbooks as a foreign language resource in private schools in South Lebanon. IARTEM E-Journal, 6(2), 21-37. https://doi.org/10.21344/iartem.v6i2.758