The use of some historical mathematical textbooks from the Teachers’ Institute in Spišská Kapitula in the 19th century and first half of 20th century


  • Ján Gunčaga Catholic University of Ružomberok



textbook, history of education, teachers institute, mathematics, curriculum


We would like to present some excerpts of historical mathematical textbooks from the Teachers’ Institute in Spišská Kapitula, because this institute is at the roots of primary education in Central Europe. The methodological approaches used in these textbooks contain suitable motivation and models for explaining basic mathematical notions in primary education and the training of future primary teachers. There are some projects in Europe which use educational software and modern modes of interpretation to present sections from historical mathematical textbooks in contemporary teaching. In our article we would like to do the same for the Slovakian situation

Author Biography

  • Ján Gunčaga, Catholic University of Ružomberok

    Ján Gunčaga is Associate Professor of Mathematics Education at the Faculty of Education at the Catholic University in Ružomberok. His masters focused on the teaching of mathematics and physics at secondary level and was completed at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University in Bratislava (1997). He completed his doctorate in Didactics of Mathematics in the Faculty of Science at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (2004). His current research interests orient towards mathematics education at the primary and secondary level, the history of education and using ICT in educational processes.

    He can be reached on e-mail at: [email protected]






Peer-reviewed articles

How to Cite

The use of some historical mathematical textbooks from the Teachers’ Institute in Spišská Kapitula in the 19th century and first half of 20th century. (2015). IARTEM E-Journal, 7(1), 38-58.