The analysis of discursive constructions of national identity in Polish literature textbooks


  • Monika Popow University of Gdansk



critical discourse analysis, European identity, nationalism, Polish national identity, textbooks research


The aim of my paper is to investigate the process of discursive construction of national identity in Polish literature textbooks. In my research project I have specified the dominating types of identities of Poles and the points of exclusion - the spaces that relate to particular social and cultural groups that are excluded from the discourse of Polishness. this research utilizes critical discourse analysis and deals with particular advantages and limitations of the approach in the context of textbook research.

Author Biography

  • Monika Popow, University of Gdansk

    Monika Popow has a PhD in Educational Studies. Her research interests include: the question of race and racism in Central and Eastern Europe, citizenship, development, national identity, textbooks and educational media research. Monika was a Research Fellow at Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbooks Reseach in 2012. Her doctoral thesis was devoted to representations of Polishness in textbooks in grammar school in the light of postcolonial theory and Ernesto Laclau Theory.

    Contact: [email protected]






Peer-reviewed articles

How to Cite

Popow, M. (2014). The analysis of discursive constructions of national identity in Polish literature textbooks. IARTEM E-Journal, 6(2), 1-19.