Global Business Textbook Evaluation: Task Types in the Spotlight


  • Dr. Minoo Alemi Islamic Azad University - West Tehran Branch, Iran
  • Mr. Amir Ensafi Islamic Azad University - West Tehran Branch, Iran
  • Dr. Atefeh Rezanejad Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran



textbook evaluation, Nunan’s (1999) classification of tasks, business English, task types


Textbook evaluation, with the aim of assisting the choice of the most suitable book for a specific context, has become a needed practice in the field of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). During recent years, with the rapid spread of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and its concern for tasks and activities that enhance learners’ interaction, more researchers have become interested in exploring the different task types in textbooks in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT). The present study sought to evaluate the two most popular global business English textbook series (English Business Result and Market Leader) that are taught in Iranian institutes, in terms of their task types according to Nunan’s (1999) classification of tasks. The results revealed that linguistic tasks and creative tasks were respectively the most and the least common task types presented in these textbooks. The results also indicated a significant difference among the frequency of task types in the textbooks. It was evident that these ESP textbooks covered all of the macro tasks and most of the micro tasks specified by Nunan (1999), but some of them significantly focused on specific types of tasks.

Author Biographies

  • Dr. Minoo Alemi, Islamic Azad University - West Tehran Branch, Iran

    Minoo Alemi is Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics at IAU, West Tehran Branch. She is the associate editor of Applied Pragmatics (John Benjamins) and sits on the editorial boards of many journals. Her areas of interest include L2 pragmatics, technology enhancement education, teacher education, and ESP. She has also published over 100 papers in different journals such as Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, Language and Intercultural Communication, TESL-EJ, TESL Canada Journal,LLT, and The RELC Journal.

  • Mr. Amir Ensafi, Islamic Azad University - West Tehran Branch, Iran

    Amir Ensafi holds an MA in TEFL from IAU, West Tehran Branch. His areas of interest include ESP.

  • Dr. Atefeh Rezanejad, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

    Atefeh Rezanejad holds PhD in TEFL from Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran. She has been teaching English since 2003 and currently she’s instructing various university courses in applied linguistics. Her areas of interest include intercultural language learning, pragmatics, teacher educations, and sociolinguistics.






Peer-reviewed articles

How to Cite

Alemi, M., Ensafi, A., & Rezanejad, A. (2021). Global Business Textbook Evaluation: Task Types in the Spotlight. IARTEM E-Journal, 13(1), 1-20.