Datos para una historia compleja: normas curriculares y producciones editoriales

El caso argentino (1960–2014)


  • Graciela María Carbone Universidad Nacional de Luján




curricular standards, manuals, textbooks, educational system, international textbook research institutions


I propose to present contributions to interpret the relations between curricular prescriptions of the Argentine primary education system and the textbooks, educational means that present courses or systematized subjects in the last five decades. Apart from a linear political and pedagogical reading, their stories show signs of congruent acceptance and development, as well as parallelism, “ascending” influences, productive exchanges, and merely formal acceptances. I justify the diachronic reading of these relations in the continuity of editorial productions, despite the social and political conflicts reflected in the changes of norms. I also consider the editorial contributions to curriculum policies, as well as their declines. We seek the intelligibility of intertextual relations in the complexity of the existence of curricular norms and textbooks, focusing on the interpretation of pedagogical approaches to norms and their development in the textbooks, in the articulation with aspects of the political context. I also propose to begin readings that link our history with that of international institutions relevant to research in the field of textbook research.

Author Biography

  • Graciela María Carbone, Universidad Nacional de Luján

    Doctora de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Área Ciencias de la Educación. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Profesora Extraordinaria Emérita del Departamento de Educación. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Miembro Académico pleno del Centro de Estudios en Historia de la Educación Argentina Reciente (HEAR). Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Fue coordinadora y docente del Programa de Posgrado “Libros de texto e itinerarios hipertextuales en la historia reciente de la educación argentina: temas y problemas vinculados a la formación docente y al curriculum de la educación formal”. Departamento de Educación. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Integrante del Comité Académico de la Carrera de Especialización y Maestría en Tecnología Educativa. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Integrante del Banco






Peer-reviewed articles

How to Cite

Datos para una historia compleja: normas curriculares y producciones editoriales: El caso argentino (1960–2014). (2019). IARTEM E-Journal, 10(1-2), 23-48. https://doi.org/10.21344/iartem.v10i1-2.711