Science and Math Courses in a Danish Digital Learning Platform

What makes them more or less popular?


  • Alysson Ramos Artuso Federal Institute of Paraná - IFPR
  • Stefan Ting Graf UCL



Digital teaching platforms, Primary School, Lower Secondary School, Educational technologies


As part of a Danish context of educational reforms since 2013, digital learning platforms (DLPs) are mandatory in primary and lower secondary education. Teacher-created courses are available in DLPs and can be shared, remixed, and reused by other teachers, providing a wide range of courses for systematic studies. In this article, we present an analysis of the Science and Math courses’ popularity. Based on previous research and didactical theory, we focus on the question: Can didactical variables discriminate the most and least popular Science and Math courses in the learning platform Meebook? If so, which variables? The study was based on the random collection and coding of the 102 courses. Multivariate analysis techniques detected that eight variables can differentiate the course's popularity with a success classification rate of about 75%. Visual attractiveness, easy implementation, and students’ work are the three aspects that teachers use to select courses. The study results have potential implications for platform designers, local and national authorities, as well as teachers who use the course builder daily.



— Updated on 2020-07-31



Peer-reviewed research articles

How to Cite

Artuso, A. R., & Graf, S. T. (2020). Science and Math Courses in a Danish Digital Learning Platform: What makes them more or less popular?. IARTEM E-Journal, 12(1).