Knowledge of teaching resources in the training of primary and lower secondary school teachers


  • Jan Viggo Iversen Nord-Trøndelag University College


Palabras clave:

Resource centre, Primary and lower secondary school students 1 - 7 year, The Theory of Pactice, Teaching resources for the lower primary level in Norwegian primary schools


This article builds on a study (Iversen, 2013) about the knowledge of teaching resources in the education of primary and lower secondary school teachers. The data comes from focus group interviews and video observations of students divided into two practice groups in a class of 17. The period of teaching covers two weeks. The students were located in the Resource Centre1 he Resource Centre is a resource centre for teaching resources, play materials, communication material and technological resources for children, young people and adults. The object of the research is to examine how the Resource Centre influences primary and lower secondary school teacher trainees (henceforth called students) in their choice of teaching resources appropriate for pupils in the first to third class in primary school. Other significant factors are the students’ background and experience from primary and lower secondary education, subject teachers, the practice group and the pupils in the school.
The analysis of the data can indicate that students who desire the professional development for teachers are bearers of a tradition which leads to the reproduction of a distinct culture of teaching and therefore certain teaching resources. Model teaching seems to have great significance for what the students choose from the teaching resources. The subject teachers at the College and the supervising teachers are important models for the students.
This study uses theory inspired by the French sociologist, Pierre Bourdieu. This theory is suited to create distance to the normal weekday I inhabit as a researcher, and which influences the reality of the social practice.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Jan Viggo Iversen, Nord-Trøndelag University College

    Jan Viggo Iversen
    Assistant Professor, Cand.phil: Drama/theater and film, and a master in pedagogic.

    Nord-Trøndelag University College,P.O. Box 2501,No -7729 Steinkjer
    Tel: +47 97143928
    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Scientific Positions.
    During his career he has been teaching drama, theater, film and mediapedagogic for about 25 years as Assitant professor at Nord Trøndelag University College, Nesna University College and The Arctic University of Tromsø. For some years now he has been a member of the staff at the the Resource Centre and done a mastertheses about teaching materials and different concepts of knowledge. From Other Posisitons in Primary School in Norway he has been an advisor at Chief Municipal Education Office, part-time,Teacher in all classes in primary school, and headmaster in primary school, Teacher in Upper Secondary School.
    Jan Viggo Iversen has been doing a research how to use drama and role play for children and youths in their effort to build identity in a life in eksile. Further more he has been interested in computer games vs real role play in drama. Another study was a cooperation with youth and elderly people (65 – 80 years) where they created a text and played theater about how to be a teenage and a pensioner. His interest in drama – theater and philosophy made him do a research with teenage 15 -16 year old where the youth discussed different ethical and lifeproblem and made a theater performance.
    Iversen has also worked as a leader of fine art in a local government. Leader of a project working to improve the way local government use their resources for a better childhood.






Peer-reviewed research articles

Cómo citar

Viggo Iversen, J. (2014). Knowledge of teaching resources in the training of primary and lower secondary school teachers. IARTEM E-Journal, 6(2), 44-70.