The 2017 Brazilian high school education reform and its potential impact on teaching materials




Secondary school, learning materials, public policy


The Brazilian High School Reform Act, Act 13.415/2017, was the foundation for significant changes in high school educational policy and resulted, in 2022, in various innovations in the teaching materials used in the classroom. The objective of this research is to identify the political-pedagogical aspects of the changes present in the Law and the potential impacts of the Law on the Brazilian Textbook and Teaching Material Program (PNLD). For this purpose, the methodology used involved a historical review of the context of the Law's proposal and approval and its relationship with other regulations, followed by a content analysis of the Law. The results indicated the victory of the pragmatic political-pedagogical field in the disputes surrounding the drafting of Act 13.415/2017, the resurgence of competencies and skills, and the view that economic growth should be the priority axis of society to which educational actions are directed.

Author Biographies

  • Alysson Ramos Artuso, Federal Institute of Paraná - IFPR

    Graduated in Physics, with a master's degree in Education and a doctorate in Numerical Methods from the Federal University of Paraná. Research on teaching materials. Secondary School Teacher.

  • Bruna Maciel Ramos, Federal Institute of Paraná - IFPR

    Graduated in Portuguese and Spanish, with a master's degree in Science, Technology and Society from the Federal Institute of Paraná, researching Brazilian public educational policy. Teacher in Primary and Secondary School.





Peer-reviewed research articles

How to Cite

Artuso, A. R., & Maciel Ramos, B. (2025). The 2017 Brazilian high school education reform and its potential impact on teaching materials. IARTEM E-Journal, 16(1), 1-24.